Adding Special Touches To Your Wedding

Adding Special Touches To Your Wedding

How To Get Footage To Make Great Wedding Films With

by Philip Douglas

Making a great wedding film begins with getting the right footage, for what you film will ultimately be the raw material that you can draw upon when creating the film itself. Here are some tips to help you get great footage that will allow you to make a great wedding film.

Invest in High-Quality Equipment

You'll need high-quality equipment to film high-quality footage, especially when facing situations that are common at weddings. You should have a good general video recorder, but that's not all you need. Also, get these items:

  • Microphone that records audio at distance
  • Microphone sock that blocks wind noise when recording audio outdoors
  • Low-light video recorder that can get footage even during dusk and nighttime
  • Lens cap that filters out UV light or other harmful light
  • Flexible tripod that can be set up in many locations

Armed with these additional pieces of equipment, you'll be able to record both video and audio throughout the entire wedding. You'll also be able to ensure shots are still thanks to the tripod. You can then include footage from all parts of the wedding in the wedding film that you create.

Have Backup Equipment Available

No matter how carefully you prepare your equipment before filming a wedding, batteries can die, and equipment can break. You might drop a video camera, someone might spill a beverage on one, or you could accidentally leave a recorder on before the wedding actually begins. You need to be prepared for these possible mishaps.

The best way to prepare for issues like these is to have backup equipment available. Always carry at least one additional battery for each video recorder you have, and make sure those batteries are properly charged. Also, have an extra video recorder and extra microphone on your person.

You don't want to be too weighed down with gear, even though you need extra equipment. To manage this, you can actually get two backups of everything that you use. 

Get one set of equipment that's identical to your primary equipment, and keep this backup in your vehicle. This will ensure you can continue filming the wedding in high quality, so long as you can fetch the equipment from your vehicle.

Get a second set of equipment that's smaller and more portable. This equipment should still be decent quality, but portability is more important than quality for this set. You can carry this set of equipment on your person so it's always ready to use. Should your primary equipment fail, you can use this portable set until you're able to get back to the car. You don't need to miss anything.

Contact a company like Lona Weddings to learn more. 


About Me

Adding Special Touches To Your Wedding

I still remember my first wedding. Because I was in a hurry to get everything done, I just chose the run-of-the-mill option for every aspect of the ceremony. Instead of finding a minister who knew me and the groom, I just took whoever was available. Instead of custom designing my cake, I chose it out of a big, boring book. Unfortunately, all of these design oversights led to a wedding that was really bland. However, that marriage only lasted a few years, and before I knew it, I had a chance to do things again. The next time around, I added special touches that made a big difference. Read my website to find out how to make your wedding better.